The Department - Tarbiyat
The Tarbiyat department here to make you spiritually fit. The Tarbiyat department encourages Khuddam to increase their practice of Islamic etiquettes such as congregational salat, daily recitation of the Holy Qur’an, reading spiritually uplifting literature, and listening to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’s (aba) Friday Sermon.

Write a Letter to Huzoor (aa)
Lets build a relationship by writing a letter to beloved Huzoor(aa). Huzoor(aa) is always there for us, literally an email away.
Department of Tarbiyat is providing a facility for our Khuddam brothers to more easily write a letter. Simply send your letter AS A PDF ATTACHMENT via email to [email protected] we will fax your letter to Markaz. InshAllah
Recent Friday Sermons