National Department of Wasiyyat

"It is my desire that among the earning and Chanda-paying members in every Jama'at, there should be at least 50% who have become part of this great institution of the Promised Messiah."
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his Helper)
Jalsa Salana UK 2004

“First and foremost, all office bearers should look at themselves, and the Amir Sahib should also make sure that l00 % of the Jama’at’s office-bearers have become part of this institution (of Wasiyyat), whether they are national office bearers, office bearers of national auxiliary organizations, local office bearers or office bearers of local auxiliary organizations.” (Address at Concluding session of Jalsa Salana UK 2004)

“The first point I wish to stress is that all office-bearers should become part of the system of Wasiyyat, starting from the national Amila to the lowest level.Only then will they be able to exhort other members of the Jama’at” (Al-Fazl International 3I Dec 2004)

“You should begin with your own Majlis Amila. If the office-bearers do not become Musis, how can they ask others to do so”

“You should first bring into Wasiyyat those members of your Majlis Amila who are not Musis; and then start exhorting others” (Al-Fazl International 11-17 Feb 2005)

“You should urge those who hold official positions to join the institution of Wasiyyat. It is quite true that they are not bound to do so, but you too are not bound to choose them for an official position just because they are graduates. Instead, you should elect those as officials who act upon religious teachings, and who, after having pledged the Bai’at to the Promised Messiah (as), have joined the institution of Wasiyyat that he established, even if they are less educated.” (Meeting with National Amila Lajna Ima’ Allah Germany on 25th December 2006 – Daily Al-Fazl Rabwah, 6th January 2007)